Hair Removal  
laser hair removal treatments

BIG DISCLAIMER:  The following is based on our experience only.  Neither of us are  laser hair removal professionals, nor do we claim any special expertise.


  e's pubic  hair has been permanently removed using laser treatment - it took seven treatments about six weeks apart - The course of treatments varies with the type of hair and hair color as well as the rate of growth of hair.

The issue with laser hair removal is not so much the type of skin but the color and density of the hair to be removed.  Black coarse hair works best because the laser's energy/heat remains more focused deeper to the follicle - more effectively deadening the root and will not tend to dissipate the way it will with lighter hair and finer hair. It is about energy/heat transmission.  Black hair and coarse hair are denser and black coarse hair is the most dense.   Red hair is ok blond hair more difficult. So for e the first couple of treatments got most of her pubic hair, were as it took 4 additional treatments to adequately kill the finer lighter hair and get the new growth between treatments.   It takes about 6 - 8 weeks between treatments for the hair that has not been completely killed to grow back and for follicles which were not generating hair growth at the time of the previous treatment to show hair growth sufficient for the laser to be effective. 

The practitioner who did the laser hair removal was not "scene friendly" really. Our experience has been as long as we were courteous, respectful, paid, and did not have any medical conditions which might complicate the process, or results, anyone was willing to do what we wanted, at least in the San Francisco Bay Area.

The course for removal of pubic hair including the entire ass crack was $2250, and for just the pubic hair removal would have been $1800. A set of legs  cost about $2000, armpits about $1200, face for women about $1000, bikini line about $750. The current price for removal of all body hair head to toe, which is an enormously big deal, mostly for TV's, is close to $10,000. All of this is dependant on the amount, type and color of the hair.  I happen to know all this because I have had recent correspondence with a number of people who saw e' laser removed pussy hair and have corresponded with me and shared the information they know.  The prices are coming down as more and more people use Laser Hair Removal.   Recently, I saw an ad saying they would do legs for $400 - I would want to be very careful about what they are offering for $400 - a single treatment or an entire course of treatments consisting of at least 6 treatments.  Laser hair removal is time consuming, generally requires 5 - 8 treatments to be completely effective and requires significant skill and patience on the part of the laser hair removal person with some pretty specialized equipment.


e's entire pubic area  including the hair all the way up between her ass cheeks and around her asshole was removed  except for a small patch on her mound. e's small tuff of hair is regularly trimmed by me and the hair kept in a small  Native American made wooden box on my desk. It is a nice ritual and reminder for her of what she is. The visual provides a concrete juxtaposition to the smoothness of her laser removed pubic hair and a twirling between my finger and tug on occasion is a nice thing.

 Laser treatments are a bit painful even with topical anesthetic ointment. The laser burns the skin some and causes scabbing for a few days to a week and reddening/darkening of the skin during that time and for a few additional days. It takes 6 treatments about 6-8 weeks apart.  The course of treatments varies with the type of hair and hair color as well as the rate of growth of hair. Also it is important to not do it too often or the skin can thin and get a bit parched from the treatments.

The results are fantastic, the skin is perfectly smooth and soft and without hair. Though occasionally a few stray weak, soft, hairs do grow so an additional treatment once a year or two will easily do it. e has not had an additional treatment for almost 14 years.


Though it took e  6 sessions to do, we are told it can vary from as few as 4 or as many as 8 or 9. In e's case, the majority was done after four sessions. The entire area was done each time. The laser works best on dark hair. By about the 5th session the hair that was growing in was very light and so the laser was not as effective - and by that time there was very little hair growing in. There was a degree of diminishing returns after the 5th session. It is  best to wait  6 - 8 weeks or so between treatments for the first 4 treatments. It is advised to have the last couple of treatments a couple of months apart - giving time for the lighter weaker hair to grow in enough so the laser will work better. Yearly touch up treatments may be advisable depending upon your hair type and you may need to do a bit of shaving once in a while, but the hair should be much softer, lighter, weaker and of course much less.

e had her laser treatments done in the fall of 1998. The type of laser used was a ruby laser. It was done by Claria Clinic. As an aside, ND JAG laser is used for tattoo removal and is not good, in fact bad, for anything else with regard to the skin.